Friday, June 29, 2007
In loving memory..
Yup, its been that long. I got her while studying for PMR in Form 3.
Hope you guys will all remember her "love" for y'all.
Miss her very very much.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Penyakit Mukabuku
Saya seorang penagih Mukabuku.
Tiap tiap hari, saya kena log on ke dalam Mukabuku dan tengok saja, apa kawan kawan saya tengah buat ni. Saya tak mau buat kerja, saya asyik bermesej-mesej dengan kawan atau tulis atas mereka punya 'Dinding-ke-dinding'. Teruk sial. Saya kena pergi 'ayam belanda sejuk' la. Atau saya akan kehilangan kerja ni!!!! TOLONG!
My Very FIRST Blog!!
Hey gals!! This is quite momentous, my first blog, technology is OBVIOUSLY not my thing. Anyways how's everyone? Life been a little crazy for me down under, been all about work for the past few months. My Vietnam trip seems ages ago. Thanks Jan for taking the liberty to blog the pics for me! Ok Need some help here, I did attempt to put in comments for the pics, but I don't know how to do that! I went to 'edit blog' but 'the pics' came out as a bunch of gibberish computer jargons- so what do I do?
So a bit of an update of life down under- work is the bulk of it. Been looking after a soccer team, hence the no life and working every weekend. But its not all bad, I really don't mind watching soccer, oops ok ok as Suan would be screaming at me now, football i mean. Besides there are a few hot South Americans for me to perv at, heh heh. Home front, still annoying Lala-Mings as psycho flatmate, but Lala moving into her cool pad in the city in a few weeks (opposite a really yummy French cafe!). She better tah pau coffee for me, in a bowl of course! As for me gonna keep staying in the burbs as me work in the burbs. Am in the midst of hopefully buying a lil loft apartment where I am now ( will put some pics up soon, I'm such a dill, got my camera but forgot my cables! ). My latest bit of fun was hand gliding for my birthday. Stephen decided that running of a cliff would make a pretty funky b day present, so funky that he won't do it with me! And count on me to do it on one of the gustiest days in Sydney, gale force winds. Have to admit, it really wasnt as scary as I thought it would be, as long as heights ain't an issue. Flew up to 900 ft, quite tranquil really, must be cool being a bird! hehe..(once again pics will follow soon! NO CABLE NO CABLE!)
Alrighty chicky babes, will blog once again with my camera cable! And I'm freezing my tits off (Suan ah brings back memories)in Sydney, yes yes a total lightweight compared to you gals in UK and the States. Most unpleasant but nothing some comfort food can't fix!
Tada for now! Miss you all....
P/S: wow I tengok preview untuk blog, hmmmm macam tulis karangan sahaja. Maaflah tengok apa jadi bila I cakap terlalu banyak! tak apa puan -puan biatchy, tak lama lagi ada gambar!!!!!!! (jika I boleh mmm' figure out' ini upload business!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Going lobster fishing
I spent 2 lovely weeks with my aunt in Rockport. The holiday was great as we weren't scurrying around, making life hectic as we usually do on those 'we-have-to-see-every-major-tourist-sight' holidays. We chose to stay in Rockport to be near my aunt and to enjoy this part of New England properly. The weather was great (sunny and warm) mostly, and at these times, we took the opportunity to either hit the beach, or join my aunt's neighbour lobsta fishing. Now that I am back at work, I am totally missing Rockport!!
Here is A with John & Conor, enjoying the sights around Rockport.
One of the rare moments when I didn't lose my balance on the boat. Most of the time you will find me staying put on the boad and trying not to get sick - my Dad was in the Navy for crying out loud!!

Alvin losing his balance!

Love the colours in this picture. This is where we anchored the boat to do a bit of fishing (and where I was feeling a bit sea sickkkkkkkkk)
Conor fishing the lobsta trap out
Conor's catch!
DINNER! We had lobsta sashimi and then A cooked the rest of it with ginger & spring onions. YUMMMY YUMMMY!!!!
And for those of you who were wondering - I made it without having to regurgitate my morning brekkie/lunch, YAY!! Success!!! :P
Try to be good on your birthday this year, okay? Big girl already! Don't want a repeat of you-know-what!! :)
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Wishes from around the world..

AL who is checking out Jackson Pollock pieces and hanging out in Norton Simon Art museum in Pasadena, California;