Pelancongan ke Vietnam
Oi, oi, apa lu orang cakap ini? Nak cakap Bahasa Melayu sekarang, is it?
OK, saya tak ada benda nak "post" sini, kerana saya amat sibuk dengan pelajaran saya dan tak ada hidup lagi--sugguh sedih, saya tahu. Jadi, saya akan "post" untuk Stephanie, perempuan itu yang jarang "post" juga. Si Steph kirim kepada saya sebuah (saya rasa penjodoh bilangan ini tidak "correct") CD yang mengandungi gambar-gambarnya semasa dia melancong ke Vietnam. Tapi, saya tidak tahu apa maksud gambar-gambar dia, kerana dia tidak beritahu saya dalam surat. So, Steph: kamu mesti "explain" gambar-gambar kamu dalam seksyen "comments" OK??? 

(Gambar yang terhebat, tetapi, maaf, saya tak tahu bagaimana nak pusing gambar ini.)
Kenapa ah, apabila saya "upload" gambar-gambar, satu lubang besar selalu di sana? al, boleh buat apa-apa tak?
Sorry-ah! Pengetahuan IT saya cacat sikit.
Memang tak guna!!!
I'm sorry, I just have to comment (yes, I lurk at your blog). Kelakarnya this post! "pusing"??!
Apalah you Jenn. Pusing pun tak tahu!! Keke.
We can't help being a little crazy!
J (or Jan) is writing a disseration for her PHD in English Lit. but "pusing" is the best word she can come out with for rotate!! (Mind you, she don't even know how to rotate the photo in the first place!)Hehehe.
I'm so glad someone find us funny!
Can we link you?
Yo, Jenn! How are things? Found your way to these blogging shores, huh? Nice of you to pop by--but what on earth's wrong with "pusing"?! :P
(For the rest of you who may not know: Jenn and my bro used to hang out, with me occasionally present during their tete-a-tetes. As you'll see from her blog, she's moved to Seattle now.)
Jenn's blog is a good training ground for future mothers-to-be: and since our dear Suan is getting married soon....*hint*
'pusing' was funny and reminded me of Ali Baba Bujang Lapuk.
But 'satu lubang besar selalu disana' took the cake. LOLed all morning (completely screwed up my schedule).
Of course u can link me :D
Actually Jian.. I did a little snooping around. I think I know Jenn.. well more of her hubbie. Robotz was it?? Big shot in #mamak lehhh.. Or sumthing like that.. Sighh.. those were those sweet ol mIRC days....
I fixed the "satu lubang di sana" but left the "pusing" one. I tot it gave the page character!
Nice to meet you Jenn. I like your photos.. You've got quite a talent!
memang kelakar lah, bahasa melayu kami. itu 'shuttlecock' mesti tidak bangga.
you semua ingat tak, shuttlecock? kesian dia. biar kami buat dia nangis.
x suannie
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