C'est Paris
It's been a while I admit..but I am posting now nonetheless...
This is the front of a 16th century (I think!) building I call home. This is where a French noble family, obviously associated to the royal family used to live. I have a small little studio flat, which used to be servants quarters back in the days.
But I am proud to call the landmark below my neighbour.
And I also just found out ex-President Chirac stays just a few doors down now!
Work's at a very nice area near Champs Elysee - Monceau where there is a park nearby. When the weather is good, that's where lunch is - as the Parisians do, in the sun..
I suppose I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves..have loads but I am a little impatient to wait for all of them to load....so I'll do my best. I hope everyone else is well....C'est tout..au revoir
~jian (in wet and cold Paris...at least in the last few days..the Frenchies say it is normally the case during Roland Garros)~
really nice pics jian!!
hope your move goes smoothly (judging by the number of bags you've got, are you hiring a van???)
x suannie
Yeah, great shot of the triangle. :) Where are you moving to?
Thanks Suan - the camera's done wonders for me really. Still trying to figure out how I'm going to move my entire life packed up in these suitcases..
I try my best, Jan :). The night shot of the Louvre is one my most favourite too.
I have to move out of the vicinity of Paris, to the suburbs if you like. Still figuring out where exactly yet. At the rate things are going, I may end up having to move twice. Apparently the French authorities like to keep a tight leash on aliens like myself in their precious city...so the deal is I can work in Paris but just can't live in it...go figure huh?
So anyone up for a visit here? free lodging...
Me me ... if only i have the money. i'll come visit you jian. I just bought a new camera yesterday at the computer fair in singapore. after being squashed by millions of ppl, and waiting like what seems like a concert line. I discovered i didn't like my camera when i got home. arrgggh. But I'll surely take some pictures anyhow.
hey jian,
i want to get an SLR too!!! i love taking pics :)
Sorry I couldn't spend more time with you when you were in London last week. Work is such a BIATCH. I'll try to come visit over a weekend in Jul/August! How's that?
x suannie
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