Wednesday, February 7, 2007


I saw and had to use this keyboard in Paris... Jian, you're in Paris, right? How the heck do you use this thing?? and WHY? tell me why is there a need to change the configuration of letters?!?!

Jian, did you bring ur own keyboard to Paris? :)


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Anonymous said...

Actually, the AZERTY keyboard has been proven to be more efficient (enhanced typing speeds and reduced stress on hands), if I'm not mistaken. But people used to QWERTY won't switch.

Jian's in Paris?! I'm jealous!


~al said...

oh come on j. you big fat liar lahh.. i had hell of a time figuring that "thing" out!!! ITs like something that came from a parallel universe!! :) Had fun though!! I was in an internet cafe with austin in paris... and the guy next to us.. was looking at porn...hehehe.. and there i was cussing about the keyboard.. tsk tsk!! :)

hope jian is having fun!!!!

Biatchy Bunch said...

Al...I have this thing known as a laptop and I don't think the keys automatically change based on the countries you go to!! But I get what you mean...the Frenchies use that very keyboard.
I'm technically not yet permanent in Paris - still floating between HK and Paris until the bloody French authorities sort out the red tape for work permit.
It is nice, but I guess Paris is always over-romanticised and it is different when you are there and working with the difficult Frenchies! Plus life has been more down than up but I guess what is life without challenges isn't it? Sigh..oh well...take care all..let you know when I have a place so you can all come visit..please!

Anonymous said...

the french think their superior to everyone else and have to have everything different.