Penyakit Mukabuku
Saya seorang penagih Mukabuku.
Tiap tiap hari, saya kena log on ke dalam Mukabuku dan tengok saja, apa kawan kawan saya tengah buat ni. Saya tak mau buat kerja, saya asyik bermesej-mesej dengan kawan atau tulis atas mereka punya 'Dinding-ke-dinding'. Teruk sial. Saya kena pergi 'ayam belanda sejuk' la. Atau saya akan kehilangan kerja ni!!!! TOLONG!
My god, Suan--you're on Facebook? LOL. Anyway, FYI, I read this story a few months ago:
Check it out--ketagihan amat bahaya!
you girls really make me snort my lemonade. mukabuku ROTFL
I'm on it as well. Memang sial.
hey j,
i KNOW, i know, but i can't help it!!!! i just have this itch to go on mukabuku all the time!!! fackkk. argh. it's one up from friendster, and although it took me forever to get onto it, it's now taking me FOREVER to try to get off it. arghghghgh.
and j, what the hell site is that? TECHCRUNCH?????
have you become some sort of IT security geek or something??
i hope it isn't so...
ingat tak J, penyakit mIRC? Kami penagih ok!
Itu Suan tak mengalami penyakit itu.. jadi sekarang dia TERKENA!
Hey Suan, I didn't read the original story on techcrunch--I think I read it on the guardian or something--but I couldn't find the original, so I googled for a substitute. No, I haven't become some IT hacker. But I remember finding it so funny that a Goldman Sachs trader would be on Facebook; now I discover that a PCW accountant is on it as well.
Oh my god--penyakit mIRC, that I do remember. Jenn--we were chatting up your hubby for ops access to #mamak wayyyyy before you both started going out. :P
sssshhhhhhh. thanks for exposing to the whole wide world that aku ni seorang akauntan, j!
haha, penjakit mirc, i remember that!! i also remember you lot talking non stop about it every facking day in class and me just going WTF all the time...
x suannie
Hi Kakak Chin,
Saya juga ketagih Mukabuku. Kakak betul, memang sukar untuk menahan daya ketarikannya - nasib baik sekarang says sedang bercuti. Seluruh kolej says ketagih Mukabuku juga, malangnya.
Sudha lama says tidak menulis dalam Bahasa Malaysia. Sungguh pelik rasanya (dan saya langsung tidak fasih). :)
Hey Kim,
I fikir you punya bahasa melayu lebih bagus daripada saya punya. saya punya BM memang teruk sial. Macam ketagihan mukabuku ni.
hellloooo!!!!! BM aku sangat cacat. i got C6 oni.
facebook that good meh? haven't gotten on it.
you gotta get on it to REALLY understand. why don't you ask dharma how he's hooked onto it!!!
ops access ROTFL. oh god ketagih bloglah saya ni.
ERR SORRY guys I totally miss this. Val brought it to my attention .
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