Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ever wonder what happened to Wilbur after Charlotte saved his life?

A collegue from work hosted a Roast Pig Party on Sat in her house.We had one whole roasted pig! (Phillipino sytle) Pork Fat rules! :) :) (Sorry Suan, but its true!)

The Asians (typical) took it in stride.. Even little Jaclyn (in pic) seem to be reaching out for grab the juicy belly meat!Renae (a semi-vegetarian) was disgusted. Her expression (in pic background) was priceless lahhh!! I doubt she'd ever come to anymore of our parties!
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Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ. That's one huge m-f-ing pig. /J

~al said...

WELL... Charlotte's Web was an OLD story ok. Wilbur grew UP!! :)

Biatchy Bloggers said...

If indeed that was Wilbur you were eating, in that case, since it would be a farking old pig, wasn't it like eating REALLY REALLY tough leather???
x suannie