Sunday, September 2, 2007

Prague '07

Hello my fellow biatches, long time no blog - what's happening with you lot?

Anyway, hope you guys are doing great wherever you are. Just wanted to share some pics taken on my recent visit to Prague - it's a beautiful city! I went with Tanya and it was a girls only weekend, so you can imagine what 2 very SOBER young ladies could get up to when they're left to their own devices.

Sorry lah to put all the pics in 1 collage - LAZY lah (just click on the collage and you can see a HUGE version of it, I kid you not). Plus it's like close to midnight here in London and I've just habised my kerja and have to iron 5 work shirts for the week...buggerrr... (aiyoh, how has my life ended up like this...boring-nya...)


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