Monday, May 14, 2007


So, "someone" just left the following comment in the Slander blog that was posted back in January. Hehehe.

Anonymous said...


My sister's crush was the following:-

a) Christian Slater
b) Alex Lye
c) Jet Li
d) Indians

in that order.

Is this true Janice? Indians? kekeke.. who the heck is Alex Lye?

Me and Suan did everyone a favor - Googled Alex Lye and found him..!!

Name : Professor Alex Lye Sun Woh
Position : Council Member

Profession : Vice-Dean, School of Mechanical & Production Engineering, NTU

Church : International Baptist Church


Biatchy Bunch said...

hey j,
you had a crush on JET LI? and al is right. WHO IS ALEX LYE????? I tried googling him but he's got too generic a name. don't even start me on the google image!! eeekkkk. not one good looking alex lye there!
x suannie

Anonymous said...

LOL. MORE slander!

OK, the Christian Slater one is hard to refute, since his poster is still up on my door back in KL, I think.

Who doesn't have a crush on Jet Li, anyway? :P

AND ALEX LYE--THE &%(#ing bastard who DROOLED all over my pillow sleeping (while I WASN'T THERE)--isn't so much an object of my crush as an object I would like to crush. Despite Suan and Al's commendable investigative efforts, they got the wrong guy: do you folks really think I'd go for some engineering prof? That's not him--the real one was my brother's emcee for his wedding.

And Indians? LOL. Aloo paratha, anybody?


~al said...


If you are reading this, we need a picture of Alex Lye!!!! (even better if he is drooling in the picture)


Anonymous said...

Wow happening list. hehe. err, i don't have a crush on jet li. He is uuuggghly. Ok maybe he may have a hunky body lar. just not vey face o genic. hehe.

Anonymous said...

Wow happening list. hehe. err, i don't have a crush on jet li. He is uuuggghly. Ok maybe he may have a hunky body lar. just not vey face o genic. hehe.